
Tudor Gheorghe revine la Câmpina

Tudor Gheorghe revine la Câmpina

Totpals-Daily-News68 Tudor Gheorghe revine la Câmpina30 mai este ziua în care Tudor Gheorghe, după mulţi ani, revine pe scena Casei de Cultură de la Câmpina cu un spectacol – eveniment, „Vremea nemâniei”. Maestrul Tudor Gheorghe îşi continuă misiunea de redescoperire şi de valorificare a artei poetice aducând vibraţie creaţiilor semnate de poetul basarabean Grigore Vieru. Spectacolul va fi emoţionant, memorabil. Tudor Gheorghe va fi acompaniat de Orchestra Arkadia dirijată de Marius Hristescu. Miercuri, 30 mai, de la orele 19,00, veţi vedea un concert de excepţie.

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gheorghe apetroae sibiu

Literatura, De atunci, Gheorghe Apetroae Sibiu

De atunci

Efebul, mai mult in transa, in pauzele alburne
ascultam cum susura arhetipal izvoarele anotimpurilor-
de povarnisul cautarilor rastignite, sangerand
prin fiecare raza -- cantecele astrilor,
mai intaiin zambile, crini si trandafiri…
De atunci tot cobor pe lunci stele
si le pastoresc in portocaliul de sanziene,
cochetand cu certaretul Eol…
De atunci batjocoresc cugetul adanc al stancilor
prabusite-n paraul pe care l-am coborat deseori
in stihuri, cu ritmuri din ele cioplite,
si le stropesc cu amintirile ploilor de aprilie…
De atunci ascult simfoniile albe ale zefirului
cu melodica uverturii de ne-nceput
in bemolii gravi ai cerului, pe care i-am ingropat
alturi de trilurile ciocarliei, impreuna cu primaverile,
de grindina verii i-am dezgropat
de sub albastrii trandafiri ramasi infloriti
in copilaria simbolurilor, asteptarile celor adormiti…
De atunci ma iubesc cu obiceiurile si aberatiile;
ma bucur de timpul cel beat, de mine, fara habar…
Ever since
The ephebe, who’s rather mesmerized, while the sapwood’break…
I amlistening to the streams of the seasons purling archetypely --
because of the steep of crucified quests, bleeding
through every beam -- to the songs of the stars,
then in magnolias, lilies and roses…
Ever since, the stars have kept falling down in the holms
and I’ve been growing them in the Midsummer sunset,
flirting with the quarrelsome Eol…
Ever since I have been to the deep meditation of the rocks,
that had fallen down in the rivulet I had often come down to
in the verses, with rhythms carved from themselves,
and I asperse them with the memories of the April rains…
Ever since, I have been listening to the white symphonies of the zephyrrus
with the melodies of the non-beginning overture
in the sky’s solemn flats, which I had buried
together with the trills of the lark, together with the springs,
but the white, black, green and red butterflies, billed by
the hail in summer, I had exhumed
from under the blue roses that are still in blossom
in the childhood of the symbol, the expectations
of those who had gone before us…
Ever since, I have been loving myself with my habits, with my aberrations
and I enjoy the frenzied time, myself, without a clue…
Publicat de Gheorghe Apetroae -- Sibiu la 08:32

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